Connect Bluebeam Studio Prime Account

You can connect your Onware account with your Bluebeam Studio Prime account, enabling the functionality to utilize Studio sessions in Submittals.


To connect to your Bluebeam Studio:

  1. In the Bluebeam section, Click .

  2. The Bluebeam Login page appears.
  3. Enter your Bluebeam login credentials
  4. Click Log In.

Grant Access to your Studio Data page will show.

  1. Click Allow. You will then be re-directed to your Onware profile page.
  2. Bluebeam section will show that you are currently connected to a Bluebeam Studio Account.

Note: Click on Disconnect Bluebeam Studio Account to remove Onware permission to your Bluebeam Studio data.

Note: Bluebeam Studio integration with Onware requires Bluebeam Studio Prime license. Integration should be enabled by your local IT within your Bluebeam Studio Administration.